Questioning your own assumptions is humbling and liberating. And the icing on the cake is realizing that your world is yours. You can say no to people. You don’t have to tolerate bad behavior. Your freedom, however, means their freedom, too.
It is at this point that you will feel the final resistance of your Identity. Your Identity wants to keep that person around because it is still hoping to get something out of the relationship (or a change in the relationship). You want to get to a place where you may want them but are not willing to betray yourself one bit. A place where you are free to take a chance on the fact that they won’t get on board with changing their behavior or respecting your boundary.
You want to get to a place where you truly see that you are okay and have (or will create) all you need without their participation. Meet them lovingly at the threshold of your world and say: “This is what I want. When you’re willing to respect that, you’re welcome to come back in.”
You do not have to force yourself to feel that you are okay as you are now connected to everything that you need: when you question your mind, you will see that it is true. When you see that it is true, it will become easier to unwind the old conditioning.